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Our Partners

The LPCC works with organizations, businesses and other entities to advance the needs of Lincoln Park’s business community and the local consumers who support the neighborhood. 

The Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce (LPCC) is part of Chicago’s Neighborhood Business Development Centers (NBDC) Program. Click here to learn more about LPCC’s Peer-to-Peer Trainer Program which provides training, professional development, and/or technical assistance to fellow NBDCs.

Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce

From networking and education to business advocacy, the Chicagoland Chamber provides a regional perspective to business.

Choose Chicago

The City of Chicago’s tourism and convention business hub, Choose Chicago promotes the city as a premiere, global destination for visitors.

City of Chicago Small Business Center

Resources on how to start your business and informative seminars on how to grow are offered by the City of Chicago’s Small Business Center.

DePaul University – Career Center

DePaul University’s Career Center provides businesses with interns and job-ready talent while helping their graduates succeed.

Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Illinois’ voice for business, the Illinois Chamber drives key issues from minimum wage legislation to trade negotiations.

Illinois Restaurant Association

The Illinois Restaurant Association is an important voice in support of the state’s restaurant industry.

Illinois Retail Merchants Association

IRMA is a statewide professional organization for retailers. IRMA helps protect business interests in state government and keeps businesses informed.

Small Business Advocacy Council

The SBAC is a non-partisan, member driven organization that promotes the success of small business through political advocacy, support services and educational programs.

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