3 Sneaky Protection Strategies that Drive Self-Sabotage with Laura B. Folkes, Certified Holistic Health Coach

August 29, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Picture this: you wake up with a lengthy to-do list and every intention of conquering it all. As the day goes on, overwhelm sets in, leaving you unsure of where to begin. You find yourself in the kitchen reaching for a snack. You glance at your list, get sidetracked, and do something unrelated.

Before you know it, the day is over, and you didn’t accomplish as much as you had hoped. You sit on the couch, turn on TV, pour a glass of wine, and indulge in a variety of snacks until bed. You feel defeated, but you tell yourself you’ll get back on track tomorrow but that doesn't seem to happen.

What if procrastination, comparison, and accommodation are protection strategies that contribute to lacking willpower?

In this workshop, you will:
*Learn 3 powerful protection strategies that fuel your out-of-control eating
*Identify which strategy you use most
*Understand when these strategies serve a purpose vs when they sabotage you
*Gain tools to help break the autopilot eating cycle

Find out more here!

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