ANARCHy: The Improvised Rock Opera at iO Theater

February 15, 2024 | 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

ANARCHY: The Improvised Rock Opera is a completely sung and completely improvised rock musical featuring Chicago’s finest musical improvisers. These one-night-only comedy rock operas showcase big voices and bigger stakes. What could go wrong?

Cast: Jonathan Allsop, Paul Brandt, Ryan Cashman, Sydney Clinton, Bri Fitzpatrick, Allie Gospel, Mike Gospel, Amber Linde, Molly Todd Madison, Josiah Robinson, Heather Scholl, Michael Silver, and Rainey Wright

Band: Robbie Ellis, Steph McCullough, Ben Hebert, Sam Scheidler, Paul Desman, Michael Donley, Nick Davis 

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