Mini-Branding Portraits (aka Modern Headshots) with Maija Martin Photography

May 29, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Update your profile photos, social media, dating profiles with portraits showing your authentically beautiful self.

Branding portraits (aka modern headshots, environmental portraits) are a collaboration. Your time slot is catered just for you. 

When you book your time, you'll complete a questionnaire so that Maija can learn about you beforehand. You'll have 20 minutes within a beautiful private studio that features urban textures, greenery, and pops of backlit color. All posing, background selections, etc will be selected by your brand and your goals. 

Feel awkward in front of a camera? Maija is pretty stinking good at helping people feel comfortable - or fake it - so that their authentic self shines through. Your authentic self is where your beauty is found.  

Each session is 20 minutes. (You can take A LOT of portraits within that time!) You'll walk away with 3 magazine-ready, retouched high-resolution digital portraits selected by you from an online proofing gallery of 10-15 portraits where you shine the most brightly. Each session has the option to upgrade to purchase additional portraits after you have seen your proofs - and there's zero pressure to do so.

Find out more here!

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