Playdate with Park West Co-op Nursery School and Neighborhood Parents Network of Chicago

November 12, 2023 | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Join in for Sunday Family Day at Park West Cooperative for a FREE playdate. "Bring the Outdoors In" at the Sunday Family Day with Park West Co-Op Preschool & NPN on Sunday, November 12th, from 9:00-11:00 am. Come with your child to explore outdoor materials inside their award-winning preschool classrooms and indoor gym! Let your child's imagination be your guide and follow them as they investigate a variety of outdoor materials creatively used indoors. Play in their sand and water tables, investigate sticks, leaves, fruits and vegetables. Try painting, build with blocks, complete puzzles, read books, and more. Enjoy the adventure!

This event is for kids aged 2 - 5 years old, and allergy-friendly snacks provided.

Find out more here!

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